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Hope is Alive

Hope is Alive

I've been giving hope a lot of thought over the past several months. There's a lot in our systems and interactions that I would like to see change. There's a lot that could be a lot better. 

We think of change makers and all of them had a hope of something better, a vision if you will. And I can get that. I can get the big picture kind of hope. It's fun to imagine and pine for that. But how do we deal with the day-to-day progress that shapes the big picture kind of change? How do we keep that little kind of hope?

For me, it starts with appreciation. I believe, in general, in our society, our systems are usually doing their best to do the best for their people... or at least what they believe to be best. I think it's true, so I'm thankful for a progress-minded culture, and I'm thankful for how far we've made it so far. 

Acknowledgement is also important. People work hard in these systems--really hard. I believe people are confined to systems, so to expect them to work outside of them is fairly unfair. Their hands have been tied so to speak. 

I think our role is a little bit of resistance or pushback. When people are in these kinds of cycles for so long, they start to forget to look outside of whether it's working or not. I think healthy pushback is important. I don't think aggression or anger is always the answer, but just ask them to think outside of what we're doing, to ask questions about why we're doing the things that we're doing. 

Finally, I understand that I can only do my part, but also believe that other people will be inspired to do theirs. Keep taking the steps you know to take knowing that when you do, you're walking in a higher plan. I believe when you take the steps you know you're supposed to be taking (even if no one else gets it) is where the real change happens, which is operating outside of you and into the grander plan. 

We keep hope knowing that change does happen in the steps of the everyday. Every step does matter. And believing the good in all of these things does keep your hope alive. 

But I will keep hope alive,
and my praise to You will grow
I will bear witness to Your merciful acts;
throughout the day I will speak of all
the ways You deliver,
although, I admit, I do not know the
entirety of either. 
I will come with stories of Your great
acts, my Lord, the Eternal.
I will remind them of Your justice, only
Psalm 71:14-16 (VOICE)

Photo Story: There is no real beautiful story behind this photo. Art always awakens hope inside of me. This painting was done by Ryan Wheaton

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