Welcome to Et Cetera Blog. 



There are so many things in my life to be grateful for. And we know how we all can be. We forget. Easily. Sometimes I was so full of gratitude yesterday and it's all forgotten by today. How did that happen? 

But I want to talk about our breath. Our breath is our center. It's hard to feel thankful if you haven't quite caught your breath, yet. 

In those moments you find yourself losing it, like you might actual lose it--whatever "it" is. You know it's going away. Find something that makes you breathe. For me, that changes. Sometimes it is a song that catches me up. Sometimes it's a view that slows me down. But in those moments where you're grasping all around you, find that the thing that brings your breath back. 

Breath is sacred. Breath keeps this whole thing going. 

Find your breath today, my friends. Whatever that may be. 

"And the breath of the Almighty gives me life." Job 33:4

x Keely



Tending Toward Hope

Tending Toward Hope