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Open Mind and Open Heart

Open Mind and Open Heart

Has anyone noticed how entrenched we are with tribal-type mindset: good guy-bad guy, our team-your team, right-wrong? The easy target is politics, but it is everywhere. I'm of the belief that we are not going to get anywhere as long as we are attacking one another, until there are open conversations where people are actually heard (even if they're wrong.) Rarely have I ever taken a strong change of stance solely on the approach that I'm an idiot. It just doesn't work.

And it comes from all sides. On one hand, we have a group saying, "All religious groups are idiots. You'd have to be a closed-minded, insecure, dim-wit to have any sort of spiritual practice." While the other side states, "Religion is the only way. No conversations are allowed. Your experience does not matter. I don't want to talk about it or hear about it. You are a dummy." It's sickening. And just one, small example. 

And why are we so invested in a decision that completely belongs to someone else? Why does it matter? Yes, the answer is: there are times that it does, but that isn't what I'm talking about. If you're going to claim to be open-minded, then actually go ahead and do that. And if you're going to be closed-minded, why? But that really is your decision as long as no one is harmed along the way.

The truth is we're all doing the very best we can with what's been handed to us. There are million different reasons why people have the beliefs they do, but it is most certainly not because someone is an idiot. There's a path that got them there, so how about a little grace? I think that might go a little further and then maybe we could start to see real change in people and in the state of our beautiful world. 

x Keely



Worrying Isn't Caring

Worrying Isn't Caring