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Worrying Isn't Caring

Worrying Isn't Caring

A novel concept, huh? I've noticed amongst my peeps there's this underlying message that you don't really care unless you're overcome by worry for someone. Let's let this idea go. All this is doing is stealing our cheer and taking our health. And here's the whole truth nothing but it: Worry will not be the reason that keeps you or your loved one from pain. I think life is full of pain. Not in a self-deprecating, life sucks lemons kind of way. But in a hopeful, there's a way to stay joyful even in pain type of stance. Because I also happen to think life is ever so full of comfort, with cheer, with pleasure. As I've said before, you find what you're looking for.

You know the whole, "I've been worried about you," line? Let's just not. 

I'll tell you what else I think; I think there's a presence that gets us through these times. I believe the wisdom needed comes just as you do need it. I think She is always sharing; you just have to be a good listener and sometimes you actually don't. I believe it comes in all shapes and sizes: through friends, through art, through beauty, through the still, small voice inside your heart. And when you start to take on the worry of someone else, remind yourself that they do not belong to you and release them back in to the hands of the Divine. (Thank you, Rob Bell.) Because She's speaking with them, too. You have to know what belongs to you and what belongs elsewhere then decide to trust that there's someone bigger than you who also happens to care much bigger, too.

All the love. 

x Keely 

Open Mind and Open Heart

Open Mind and Open Heart

Lost and Found

Lost and Found