Life On Pause
Sometime whenever we go through a heart-shattering event we forget to live life. Maybe forget isn't even the right word, maybe we just choose to stop living, whether it be conscious or not. In our heart and in our actions, life kind of just gets put on pause. It's like we are frozen (Hey, maybe there is a valuable lesson in that movie).
The interesting thing is that we convince ourselves this is true whenever everyone around us is actually still moving on, moving forward. And truthfully, you're moving, too. You just may not be engaging or aware of where you're being taken. (Danger!)
Today, I encourage you to get back on that path. Refuse to let the pain or the fear or whatever it might be keep you from keeping on. Be conscious in where you're going. Be conscious in what you're deciding. Be awake. Be engaged. This is your life.
Life really is good; some days we have to look a little harder but it is worth it. It is worth it because when you're back in that groove that feels like you're right where you need to be, there's nothing sweeter. And we all benefit whenever someone is in their flow--whether you see it or not.
"Intention is the core of all conscious life. Conscious intention colors and moves everything." -Hsing Yun
x Keely