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Speaking Out

Speaking Out

I've started to realize that there are a lot of us who don't recognize their strengths, their beauty, their relevance. There are so many times that I notice something really wonderful about someone, and I never even tell them. I think it's because I assume they know. But so what if they do? 

Have you ever had an experience where someone came to you, told you something that you were good at, and you were genuinely surprised? I've had this experience, and it kind of rerouted me in a helpful way. 

Now, I'm not arguing that we wait to hear confirmation or affirmation from other people before we act or rely on this in an unhealthy way, but I do believe there is genuine value in speaking out the good you see in people. I think people need to hear it from one another. Let's face it, we're kind of bogged with negativity coming at us from many different directions.

We need to be spreading the good. We need to be connected in that kind of way. We really just kind of need each other more than any of us want to let on. We have to get a better handle on our level of influence and hold that with much more care.

Photo Story: I've been using a lot of photos that don't have a real story behind them. This was taken on a walk on a recent visit to Scottsdale, Arizona. It's an interesting concept, water in the desert. Of course, manmade, but interesting. 

x Keely 

Clear Decisions

Clear Decisions

